Erasmus reunion - part dos


Eliza woke me up with a hug and with "let's go get caffe con leche, I'm dying". I felt the sun through the window and heard some children yelling under our building. We wore our (basically) pajamas again, sunglasses (Eliza's looked like she stole them from Elton John) and hats. Eliza had  a very girly pink hat, and I borrowed a light blue one from Fee, since she took five hats to this trip, although she rarely wore any. We looked ridiculous, like we sell ice cream.

We woke up Em and Fee and went to search for a nice breakfast place. Of course we couldn't find one for about 20 minutes, so in the meantime we took pics with their Instant photo cameras next to palm trees, because we wanted a memory of our ice cream selling outfits. 

After some more walking around, we realized there was a breakfast place literally across the street from our apartment. It was actually a sala de juegos with some breakfast menu and a cute little terrace. We ordered the classic: cafe con leche, zumo de naranja and some toast with toppings. This trip was terrible for my stomach. I usually eat a normal number of meals a day, but here I ate breakfast around 12 and then tapas later around 22h. Unlike me, these three had basically no food needs, they survived solely on beer and tinto, and I must say that is something I admire. 

Now I must digress and mention that this whole trip was marked by two songs: Cardi B - I like it, which I played about 40 times a day and I don't understand how someone didn't throw my phone away, and also Becky G - Majores. This damn song is so catchy that even Thomas started singing it all the time. I believe I said: A mi me gustan los majores and rapped I like it, not exaggerating, about a 100 times. So when you read this, imagine those songs in the background of everything.

Punta Umbria

We then decided to spend the day at the beach, so we headed to Punta Umbria. Eliza's German friend Bianca joined us, and luckily she had a car so she was our designated driver for the day. She was in Huelva in the first semester, before us, and now she lived in Seville and worked there. Bianca is  the cutest, nicest person you could ever meet. Nothing is a problem for her, she is so positive and kind all the time and I immediately liked her, which never happens to me. 

Punta looked completely different for me. There were three times more people on the beach then I remembered and a floatie water park. It looked kinda commercialized. Going to the beach was a challenge for me, because I am not allowed to be in the sun, at least not before 16 o'clock. So I found a spot in a shade from someone's umbrella, while the rest of the gang (four of us, Bianca, Tapo and Dario) chilled in the sun and had some tinto. I had to stay in my shade with my tinto sin alcohol. I think this was the hardest time for me on the trip. I had this overwhelming fuck-my-life feeling and felt like I was missing out on stuff. Later the gang decided to go to the water park and I had to stay in the shade, which sucked for me, but I took a nice nap so I had that going for me. 

Fuck me up virgin cocktails!

We decided then to head home because our night was about to get eventful. After showering we got some tapas at Bonilla. There was chocos fritos, pork, chicken, tortillas, patatas - a lot of it. We arrived there about midnight and there were 8 waiters working there, so we believe they kind of wanted us to get the fuck home so they can finish their shifts. We  wanted to do something different this night, so we decided to go back to Punta, to a beach party.

Now as I understood, this party is a tradition. There is a huge bonfire on the beach, people of all ages go there, older people bring tables, chairs and beer and just chill there, some kids, but mostly young people our age. This party marks the beginning of summer. There were so many people there, I can't even describe it. It looked absolutely amazing, music everywhere, the fire, moonlight, the sand, the atmosphere, it was beautiful. The gang started to get lit with drinks and after a few hours the abduction started.

Hoe feet

First some random dude texted Eliza. One day he sent her just his shirtless photo, like the ultimate douche bag. Another day he answered to her instagram picture of a bonfire with: "hoes". So we decided to mess with him by sending photos back. Of feet. Because as we realized, feet are hilarious and I am the only one who can spread her toes, unlike my weird non-toe-spreading girlfriends.

The texts went something like this:

Douchebag guy: *answering to Eliza's instagram story of the beach bonfire* Hoes
Eliza: Wtf why would he call a picture of a bonfire hoes??? 

Douchebag guy: Hoe feet
Eliza: ???

Douchebag guy: There are two of them??

Douchebag guy: *Seen*

It was fucking hilarious. We won this fair and square. Maybe now he will not send pics of himself out of the blue without his shirt. You are welcome Eliza, not all heroes wear capes.
Since then feet became our main joke. We both hate them and think they are disgusting, so we decided to mess with eachother by sticking our feet into eachother as much as we could. Good times, but also gross times.

It's fun to stay at the S&M

Then we ran into some bachelor party, which I think was for a gay wedding, because the groom was dressed in a sort of S&M village people leather and a mesh shirt. Surprisingly Emily had a see-through mesh shirt too, so they bonded on their similar outfit choices. He then gave her a whip to spank him, which an intoxicated Em happily accepted. It was so funny I almost peed myself.

Later me and Eliza decided to go dancing in one of the clubs. The music was fine but the people in there were too beautiful and too clean for us, while we just arrived from sitting on the sand and taking feet pictures, so we decided to go to another club. The other one had only some VIP access or something allowed, so we couldn't go there either. An hour passed by as we waited for others to join us, but they got stuck with the bachelor party spanking crew and finally arrived later.

The level of fucked up my friends were at this point was insane and border line annoying for me - a sober girl. We had no idea where to go, so a drunk-confident Bianca was like: there are clubs over there let's go there! I was pretty sure there weren't, but we still walked half an hour on what was supposed to be a 5 minute walk. I love my friends, and when I was drinking I was exactly as annoying as them (if not more) but now a sober me felt like I had babies around me who didn't learn to walk yet.

Emily fell over some small fence on the road and almost got hit by some vehicle, which only made her laugh, get up after two attempts, and put her fists up in the air - as a sign of her victory and "fuck you alcohol, you ain't shit, I'm Irish!!" pride. Bianca was happiest ever turning around and dancing and singing, still very certain the club was somewhere. Fee was barely walking, Dario kept saying: "I AM 100% DRUNK" and Eliza was the only one who was kinda coherent at this point. My buzz died so I just went to the bus home. Later they told me they couldn't find clubs so they ran for the bus, but he didn't stop for them.


I woke up thinking Eliza is next to me in the bed as usual, but there was a brunette girl stretched over the bed, while I was almost falling down. It was Emily, dying, and I thought to myself what the hell did you people do last night?

So I went to damage control and hoped all of them were alive. First I went to the bathroom and saw the bathroom carpet rolled into a ball. Later I found out Em fell asleep on the bathroom floor and couldn't make it to bed which was literally next to the bathroom. She also had no voice and no clue what happened.

Eliza walked in with her classic "I'm dying, let's get zumo de naranja". Everyone else was passed out somewhere, as they arrived at 7 in the morning., and now it was 11. Since this is not their first rodeo and they are pretty much veterans of drinking, my friends managed to get up normally, go to the breakfast place and tell me the adventures of last night. Except my dear Em who was clearly still drunk and didn't know wtf was happening. But it was a damn tasty breakfast. 

Welcoming the lost son

Yohann was supposed to arrive to Huelva the day before, but Yohann being Yohann, forgot to arrange transport to Huelva after his flight, so he stayed in Portugal where he landed. He still managed to meet a girl there and have an interesting night with her. See if you knew him you would understand. He can charm anything he wants. Old, young, women, men probably, furniture, literally everything. He always has a winning pick up line: "Hi I'm Yohann. I'm from Paris." He says it in his french accent and looks at someone deep in the eyes and all the girls go crazy. He is extremely charming.  He does the craziest shit when drunk, but on the other hand, you can have a great deep conversation about anything with him. We had one of those conversations that day. We talked about love, confidence, work, life, everything. And here I remembered how much of a good friend with a big heart he is. Of course later he stole a pole from the street and passed out on the floor somewhere. But that's just balance, and it's fine.

So now we had him too, and the only thing missing was Luke. The Englishman, one of the funniest people with dark humor that is probably offensive to many, but to us it's amazing. Unfortunately he couldn't join the trip in the end, but I wanted to mention him, so he knows we really missed him.

Later we went to the beach again, just us four and dear Bianca. She listened to our conversations and we saw her becoming more relaxed with us and talking about weird stuff openly like we do. We went swimming and the water was extremely warm. It was nice because it was later in the day and I was able to be in the sun this time and enjoy some girl time.

1 Mandala, 2 vibes

For my last night in Huelva, we went to Mandala. A beautiful bar with an even better view over the city, where it's a must to go during sunsets. When we arrived, we were surprised, but not in a good way. They put a giant screen showing the World Cup matches at the place where the view is the best. Not only that, but there was a random band of old men singing in front of that screen. Actually not singing. First they practiced for 20 minutes, then they sang TWO songs and said: "Gracias, we will take a break now." And came back after 20 minutes to sing the Beatles. 

The best thing in Madala was Bianca. She was in a mood because the waiters were super slow. He brought her a beer and she said: "Does he expect me to drink this FROM the bottle?", but in a nice you-wouldn't-expect-that-from-Bianca way. She also went to the bar to discuss with them what they are doing wrong. Later Eliza said: "I haven't eaten I'm hungry", and Bianca was like: "Oh want a beer?" She is just so cute and nice and she makes me laugh too much. 

Later on, Fee pulled out a container of silver glitter and started throwing it on everyone and EVERYWHERE. I kinda enjoyed it this time though, I mean who knows when she will do it again. We left Mandala and went to Saxo for some drinks.

Passed out

I felt extremely tired later and I wanted to go home earlier than usual. So I arrived to the flat around 4, packed my suitcase, and even though I had the the biggest intention to hang with them more, I just fell asleep as soon as I sat on the bed.

In the morning I had to leave at 7 and say my goodbyes to my friends. It wasn't as sad as two years ago, because I knew for sure this time we would see eachother soon. Bianca drove me to Seville, and I went to the airport ready for a long day of traveling through Seville, Brussels and Pula, but extremely happy, because all of it was worth it. To see them, to laugh with them, to share experiences again, remind myself of amazing memories, to see my Huelva, Saxo, Lone, Punta, Monjas, tapas, tintos, La Botica, Leli and others, friends -  everything was absolutely worth it. 

I want to thank my friends for being the biggest support in what I'm going through in my life and with my current situation. This trip reminded me that there are some wonderful people out there who will support you and love you no matter what you are going through and no matter how far you are from each other

That is what Erasmus gave to me, and I will forever be thankful. 

Until next time 😊

P.S. The night I left Huelva, they got kicked out of the AirBnb, left a powerful "fuck-you-you-assholes-how-can-you-make-people-homeless-you-don't-deserve-to-be-from-Huelva" message to the owners who kicked them out, spent the night sleeping on grass somewhere, and continued normally in the morning. #proud

Shogun never dies!


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