La vida Erasmus

I've always wanted to try to live somewhere abroad, where it's warmer, where everything will be new and different and where I would be able to get out of my routine. I had heard stories from many students that were on Erasmus and loved it, but I never really had the guts to go myself - mostly since dealing with the paperwork seemed like a journey from hell.

I believe there is always an event, a situation or just a switch in someone's head that suddenly makes them want to get out of their comfort zone. I had that happen to me, so I  applied for Erasmus without even thinking about it. The only things you needed to apply were a few documents, so that part was easy (paperwork later is a bit more complicated, but still worth it). Choosing where to go was even easier - Spain. Where it's warmer, cheaper and more relaxed. Also, I am familiar with the language from watching many telenovelas when I was young. After a few months of paperwork, exams and saying my goodbyes, on Valentines day 2016. I found myself on a plane, and 2 bus rides later, I was at my new home 

H u e l v a, A n d a l u c i a.

Right away I saw I nailed the location. Huelva is a city of about 200 thousand people, located on the sea, with sandy beaches, where everything is close, winters are warm and summers are too warm. People are kind, nice and relaxed, they start working around 9-10 in the morning, then some shops close for a few hours for "siesta", and work some more in the evenings. There is always something happening and the atmosphere is like you are on vacation.

Plaza de las Monjas @Huelva

In the beginning, it was all a blur. I, who had never really lived without my parents for more than a month, found myself in a new city, with no apartment and without knowing anyone - and it was wonderful
The first week makes you or breaks you, you just gotta organize your life for the next 5-6 months. In a few days, I found an apartment in the center, got a roommate, made myself a budget and went to Madrid to the first trip organized by Erasmus Student Network Huelva. On this trip, I met people for which I had no idea will change my life so much. The fact that students from different countries found themselves in the same place at the same time was enough to make you create strong friendships.

Toledo or Rivendell?

I tried to use every opportunity I had, so I spent most of my money on traveling. I took a zip-line from Spain to Portugal going 80 km/h, I danced on parties in Ibiza, I waited for two hours in front of the magnificent Alhambra just to see the inside of it, I went on a road trip through south Portugal, Algarve where we were camping, I walked around Sevilla with the Croatian flag with over a thousand other Erasmus students, I amazed at Toledo and the fact that it reminded me of 
Lord of the Rings, I ate churros and tapas next to my apartment, I drove a car on the beautiful coasts of Mallorca, I spent the night in a wooden bungalow in Sierra Nevada, and I hung out with monkeys on top of Gibraltar rock.

Africa in the background @Gibraltar rock

@Guejar Sierra

The killer view @Sant Salvador, Mallorca

ESN Ibiza trip
What really made my experience were the friends I made. Starting with my roommate from USA, Fauna. Although she is a few years younger than me, she has very rich life experience, so she was always here for advice. We did absolutely everything together because we found ourselves to be incredibly similar. Out apartment became the after party spot, mostly because Fauna always had frozen chicken nuggets and pizzas so we would all eat that like it's our last meal. We shared everything from clothes and makeup to responsibilities and life experiences.

About two months after, we got a new roommate, Emily, the Irish girl. She is probably the kindest person you will ever meet. She is always there for you when you need it, but that was sort of the unspoken rule in our apartment. We went through everything together, hangovers, heartbreaks, embarrassing mornings, late talks at 5 am when we couldn't sleep so we would just drink tea and discuss stuff. There was also the Latvian, Eliza. This girl is so free, open, and always says what she means, lives for the moment and she taught me how to live a more spontaneous life. We had just met for the first time, had lunch at my apartment, went to a class together and never separated since.
The great loves of my Erasmus @Saxo

As time went by we turned into a group of almost 40 people, if not more. Everyone was from a different country, we went out every day, either on parties or trips or just to go get helado or caffe con leche, been there for each other in different situations and I learned something from each of them. No one judged anyone about anything, we spent 98% of the time laughing and 100% supporting each other.

"Mosquito" Tio's birthday party @Punta Umbria

I can honestly say I am a better person for knowing these people. Our group stared to grow so much that we made super-botellon parties three times with over 100 of us in one apartment (bless you Dario and flatmates). There were moments when I would miss Croatia, but at those moments the eight of us Croatians met in one apartment, cooked something that was closest to čevapi, we listened to Oliver and talked about nostalgia for home. After classes, when all the others would drink their coffee in five minutes, we would stay longer, because that is just our way of life. By far the proudest feeling was watching the football match between Spain and Croatia, embraced with our flags, surrounded by Spanish people, and winning.

Evento nacional Erasmus @Sevilla

I didn't even mention University, because for us it was just a chance to socialize and the classes were relatively easy. In April, when the temperatures rose, we went to Punta Umbria beach, which was 15 minutes away. Long sandy beaches, waves, warm sea, reggaeton music in the background and sipping on cocktails - like a movie scene.

@Punta Umbria

Often I say that my Erasmus experience was the highlight of my life and that I don't know if I will ever be so happy as I was then, because there really is not a better way to describe it. That feeling of freedom, where every day is different, where you don't know what will happen to you or who you will meet is just absolutely amazing.

Four months after we all went home, the 25 of us Erasmus students made a reunion in Amsterdam, where we slept on a huge boat, went through our old memories and created new ones. I myself am a huge sucker for reunions, so that moment when we all arrived and started hugging each other, and when we went out and the DJ played Nicki Jam for us - it was like no time had passed. We still talk almost every day and some smaller reunions always happen.

The people you meet there become more than your friends, they become your family there, and for me, that is the most important thing that you can get from Erasmus.

It doesn't matter where you are now, at which situation or what excuses you have for not going. Erasmus is the most amazing experience you can get as a student and it's a shame not to use it. So go, travel, try everything you ever wanted, get to know yourself and come back as a better person - life is too short for anything else.


Por la Familia Shogun


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