6 ways to feel better instantly

There are days when I cannot find the sun, 
even though it's right outside my God damn window. 
- N.H.

     Since I wrote my first post, I must say I've felt like I've been really living for the first time in a long time.  It was the most wonderful month for me. The anxiety, the panic attacks, the sadness, the overwhelming pressures and the hiding were simply gone. And I wish for everyone to feel this, to take a step and do what they feared the most, to live in their truth and to be honest, not only to others, but mostly to themselves. 

     With that being said, there are still some days when I feel a bit of depressed, a sense of "what's the point in everything", questioning life, it's meaning and the feeling of - even though you have a great passion to live, your thoughts trick you into just feeling bad.

     Everyone has shitty days I think, can't really describe it, it's just an overall feeling of - this day sucks, it's just not my day. And that's normal and it's fine. If we didn't have those, how would we appreciate the good ones? 

      So I did something, to make sure those days got better or simply went by quicker. I made a list of all the things that make me feel good, even just for a while. And in the hopes of finding you something to make you feel better on these days, I share it below.  I also developed a Make you feel better scale (MYFB), to see the results of going through stuff on the list. Without further ado, I present my six:

1. Let Joe Santagato make you pee your pants

When I accidentally discovered this guy on YouTube, it changed the game.

Joe plays the most ridiculous games in his videos with his family and friends, and even his podcasts where he just talks about random stuff are so funny, I always laugh hard. 
One series in particular - Mad lib madness - made me cry from laughter. 

He also does videos on the worst Craigslist ads, people from Walmart, Tinder's finest, worst tattoos ever, and just the way he talks and his comments always hit me in my giggle spot.
I highly recommend him.

MYFB: From crying to crying laughing in 2 minutes

Favorite quote: Our phrase growing up was "Hakuna Matata", now it's like "Fuck bitches, get money"

2. Get real with the Wendy the Williams

The first time I watched her show, I hated it. I thought how could she get a show based on trash talking about other celebrities, that is so mean.
But then I realized there is something there.

The level of inspiration you get from seeing a talk show host finally be real and say what they mean with no apologies (and sometimes say what we all think), not care about what others think of her or how she looks, combined with the fact that the stuff she says about them are so irrelevant and useless to know that you forget about your problems - is the reason why this show is going strong for 9 seasons.

MYFB: From thinking about your problems to forgetting about them because now you're just like "oooo no she didn't"

Favorite quote: Put on your big-girl panties and take responsibility for your actions.

3. Get laughter and inspiration with Ellen

The nicer side of me is sometimes in the mood for the Ellen show.
This women makes millions feel better every day, and I am one of those people.

Starting from her history; she is the first openly lesbian actress to play an openly lesbian character on TV, then no one wanted to hire her for a few years because she is gay, to becoming who she is now (including getting the Purple heart medal from Obama), she is a walking inspiration.

Either it's the games she plays with the audience members, scaring celebrities or watching her shed light on the regular people and making their life better - all are stories that either make you inspired, more grateful and appreciative, or just make you laugh.

MYFB: From sadness to "I am lucky, if these people can be happy with all their issues, so should I"

Fave quote: It’s our challenges and obstacles that give us layers of depth and make us interesting. Are they fun when they happen? No. But they are what make us unique.

4. Care for animals

My boy. 

Sometimes I would just take him for a walk, and the simple happiness he shows when I just put on my shoes and he KNOWS that he will poop soon, made me smile.

Whether you have a dog like me, or even a fish, or whatever, taking care of animals is the best way to feel better. Their unconditional love for you gives you joy like nothing else can. 


Fave quote: Vau vau

5. Listen to Her lessons

There is a series of clips from Oprah on YouTube talking about the greatest lessons she learned from the show and from her life.

The one I found most powerful was on taking responsibility for your life
She has the power to say in a few words what you need to hear at the moment.

There are many more, on love, death, life, loss and inspiration, but in any case, these are all very eye-opening moments, and I highly recommend them.

MYFB: From feeling down to having A-HA moments 

Fave quote: I was once afraid of people saying "Who does she think she is?", now I have the courage to stand and say "This is who I am"

6. Just do it

Finally, to stop overthinking about something and start feeling better, you must feel useful.
Getting up and doing something you are postponing for a long time, whether it's finally decorating the  walls of your bedroom or sending an over due email,or just getting busy with something like baking a cake or taking a bubbly bath, doing something will get your mind off of the bad stuff. 

It will also make you feel like you accomplished something.

MYFB: From feeling like a lazy piece of shit to feeling like a useful capable human being

And that's it! If you have your own ways of making yourself feel better on such days, feel free to share them with me, it's always interesting to find out new channels or videos, or simply things that bring joy. 

Or just send me a meme. I can't get enough of those.

Since I started the post with a Neil Hilborn quote, it only feels right to end it with it. 
Until next time 😊

Whatever you are feeling, 
there is a mathematical certainty that someone is feeling the exact same thing. 
This is not to say you aren't special.
This is to say thank God you aren't special.
- Neil Hilborn


  1. pozdrav svima, ovdje sam da podijelim malo svjedočanstva. Moje ime je Shira elijah, imam 40 godina, udala sam se sa 31, imam samo jedno dijete i živjela sam sretno do kraja života. Nakon godinu dana braka moj muž je postao toliko čudan i ne razumijem što se događa, on je prepun od kuće do druge žene, toliko ga volim da i ne sanjam da ću ga izgubiti, dajem sve od sebe da budem siguran muž mi se vraća, ali sve bez pomoći, plačući i plačući tražeći pomoć, pričala sam o tome s njegovom obitelji ali nisam dobila odgovor. Tako mi je moja najbolja prijateljica Anna Johansson obećala pomoći. Pričala mi je o čovjeku po imenu dr. Alaba, rekla mi je da je on jako velik čovjek i pravi muškarac kojem se može vjerovati i da nema nikakve veze s ljubavnim problemima koje ne može riješiti i rekla mi je kako je pomogao nebrojenim ljudima u ponovnoj izgradnji njihovog odnosa . Stvarno sam se uvjerio, brzo sam kontaktirao njegovu email adresu, dralaba3000@gmail.com ili njegov WhatsApp/viber na taj broj +1(425) 477-2744. Objasnim mu sve svoje probleme, rekao mi je da ne moram brinuti da će svi moji problemi biti odmah riješeni. Rekao mi je što da radim da vratim muža, a ja sam to rekla, rekao je da će se nakon 3 dana moj muž vratiti i početi moliti, i to se stvarno dogodilo kako je rekao, bila sam jako iznenađena, to je tako nevjerojatno. Slava našeg odnosa s Bogom sada je vrlo bliska i oboje živimo sretno do kraja života. Ako naiđete na sličan problem, odmah ga kontaktirajte i riješite problem jednom zauvijek. I ja sam živi svjedok


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