Dumb shirt designs
It's summer time, it's warmer, and I went looking through my closet for something to wear, as you do. I found nothing. Although I have everything. But still I decided to go treat myself to some shopping.
One of the stores I went to for cheap beach clothes and workout shirts was one I won't name, but you can probably get it. Looking around, I realized that there are some dumb ass sayings on shirts out there.
Missing love? Call this free number to get yours girl!
Because of u what? What did they do? I need more details!! Definitely good for when you are fighting with someone and you are too tired to repeat this, so you uncover this shirt.
Get it? It's like Supreme, only it's sublime. Mind-blowing.
DO NOT WEAR THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS OR FAMILY! Only when you go out in public so if people think - do I know her? Your shirt will do the work for you and tell them you are in fact, a stranger.
I had no idea, but prickly means spikey. Wear this so people KNOW you are deep and wise.
I think this dress shows the executive design meeting of these people.
"What could we put on this dress? I wonder, I wonder, I wonder... *ligth bulb turns on above head* OMG guys I just had the best idea!!"
Inspired by these designs, I decided to go to their website and see just how much of this exists. And I was not disappointed. So I imagined the design crew meeting. For the sake of it, let's say the design team is made out of the boss, Brainstormer number 1 I named Frank, and brainstormer number 2 I named Alice. This is how I imagine it went down:
"Boss: Guys I wanna finish this quick so let's do this. Frank choose a french word we all understand.
Frank: I don't know...l'amour?
Boss: Yes, perfect. Alice choose a number from 1 to 100.
Alice: Ummmmmm...92?
Boss: Good job guys, we have one down!"
Boss: Ok let's think..what do people do in the summer?
Alice: Eat ice cream?
Boss: That's genius Alice!
Frank: Sir, I need to warn you it's 2018. and people get offended at many things, so we need to be careful with this.
Boss: That's true Frank. What do you suggest?
Boss: Come on guys what will we put on the gray T-shirt? We have no time to waste!!!
Boss: Wait a minute...
Alice: Nice idea, this was like a cherry on top of a productive day boss!
Boss: OK, let's do another one. What do you got?
Frank: I mean at this point we can put whatever we want on the shirt.
Assistant: Does anyone want a Cola?
Boss *light bulb turns on 💡* :
Alice: I hate this job.
Boss: What Alice?
Alice: I said I love this job, it feels like "paradise".
Alice: So last week I colored my hair brown, but I don't think people get it.
Frank: Oh please Alice, why don't you just write "brunette" on your shirt to be sure hahaha
Boss: 💡
Boss: OK Alice your turn.
Alice: So you know how everyone is wearing Supreme these days right?
Boss: OK go on.
Alice: So what if we stole their logo, only wrote SUPERMODEL in it?
Boss: Dang it Alice you blow my mind every time!
Boss: Random french word me Frank!
Frank: You know what boss, sometimes it's just hard to do it on your command, c'est la vie!!
Boss: 💡
Alice: Are we sure people know that this is a shirt? Like REAALLY sure?
Boss: I know I'm not. Frank?
Frank: Hell no boss.
Boss: 💡
Boss: Frank you have been really amazing today.
Frank: Well merci boss!
Boss: 💡
Alice: ...Twilight IS the best movie Frank, you don't know shit!
Frank: Are you fucking kidding me Alice, that guy sparkles, what kind of vampire is that?
Alice: He was born like that don't be rude Frank!
Boss: 💡
Boss: What is a popular thing youths does today?
Alice: Snapchat?
Frank: Listen to that awesome song Gucci gang?
Alice: Frank I swear if you share that shitty song one more time I am unfollowing you!
Frank: Whatever Alice UNFOLLOW ME I DON'T CARE I'm already dead inside
Boss: 💡
Alice: ...so he comes up to me and gives me flowers! Flowers Frank! I was like: " how about you give me likes not flowers!"
Franks: Hahahaha what a loser
Boss: 💡
Boss: I want to go home, someone name a random fruit quick!
Alice: Bananas!
Frank: I have a masters degree, how did I get here
Boss: GREAT JOB guys! I think our collection is amazing!
Alice: Some might say it's a must have boss! Lol
Boss: 💡
But, who am I to judge? I once bought a sweatshirt from them that says: "feelings". Because how else will people know I have feelings?
I just want a normal T-shirt guys. Just a plain T-shirt, in more colors, made from quality material that doesn't stretch out after one workout. But thanks for making jeans that fit me well. I appreciate that. 🙌
Until next time 😊
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